What about special applications requirements not currently produced in your standard product line
EMB Corporation is a vertically integrated company with the capability to produce the majority of its products in house. We design components using our fully integrated 3-Dimensional Modeling System that enhances our capabilities and reduces lead times. Please feel free to contact our friendly sales staff and inform us of your particular need and we will be glad to investigate a solution.
Does EMB offer agency-approved products such as UL, UL Canada, and International standards?
EMB Corporation offers various products that are UL, UL Canada, and VDE recognized. We strive to maintain a quality product through required agency testing as well as internal testing to these agency standards.
What type of products do you manufacture?
EMB Corporation is a leader in manufacturing Current Sensing Relays, Snap Action Switches, Miniature Snap Action Switches, Non Snap Action Switches, and Plunger Switches. These products are available in various styles and models depending on the application.
How do I determine what product to use for my application?
Our products page will give you information and details on basic products. The information provided on our product page is a overall representation and specifications of the quality products we provide. To accurately determine the best product we recommend contacting our helpful sales staff for additional information.
What are the prices for your product?
Our products will vary in price based on quantities, configurations, and or special handling. Some products are custom manufactured or assembled based on particular application. Please contact our friendly sales staff for availability and pricing.